GREENDROP Litigation SUpport Services

“Litigation support Services for attorneys by attorneys. We find the Smoking Gun you need to make your case."

35 years Experience

Managed by former trial lawyers

Expertise in Mass Tort/Class Action Lawsuits

Why Choose GDLSS?

Our cutting-edge technology and intelligence gathering technics make us the company of choice for both small and big law firms all over the world. Most of our clients come to us by reference through words of mouth from other firms/lawyers/investigators in the community. For others, it is our record of excellence and A+ rating in supporting law firms as they prepare for litigation. Founded in 1990, by former trial attorneys for attorneys GD Litigation Support Services has developed a reputation for excellence in providing litigation support to law firms and corporate legal departments across the world. As an industry leader, GDLSS is committed to creating cost efficient and unprecedented value for all clients. Because client service is at the core of what we do, we create customized programs based on each client needs and provide insight and visibility into the data related to each engagement. Our commitment to keeping the lines of communication open, being responsive to litigation support questions, providing informative educational webinars and delivering ongoing compliance reports for corporate clients, allow us to meet each client’s expectations and needs.

Contact Info

GREENDROP Litigation Support
1700 Seventh Avenue Suite 2100
Seattle, Washington 98101



Office Hour

Mon-Sun: 10am – 7pm

Get Started Today

To learn more about why GD Litigation Support Services is the litigation support services company trusted by attorneys and law firms across the world, contact us online, or call  216- 222-3333 to speak with a litigation support specialist today.

About Us

“Litigation support Services for attorneys by attorneys. We find the Smoking Gun
you need to make your case.”

Our Address

GREENDROP Litigation Support
1700 Seventh Avenue Suite 2100
Seattle, Washington 98101

Phone: +1-877-230-6668

Office Time: 10AM- 5PM

Useful Links

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